It is very difficult for me to write about my craft at this point, because I am in Israel, in a war situation, caused by the deadly massacre of Hamas, terrorists from Gaza, that massacred 600 young people at a music festival here; killed so many innocents in the south of the country, raped, even beheaded babies – the depth of their depravity and bestiality is beyond any words. But I have written about it and received many warm responses , including one from Beijing in China, wanting to k now if they could publish my articles there. So it is only by capturing the reader’s imagination that I am able to let the world know what is happening in this frightening time in Israel.

Relating it to writing in general, to enlist the reader’s imagination , you must have the courage to imagine scenes way outside your own experience. Your challenge is enabling readers to share ther events you have imagined, or written about from your own experience. The usual advice is “show, don’t tell” but it take a long time for new writers to understand this. Writers have often told me that they watch the scene taking place in their mind’s eye like a movie. It is a challenge to write as if this is happening The reader should be able to feel the emotional impact.

In your work, you must show the reader many things, some concrete, some conceptual. Use your imagination to dramatize the concepts . Put down the right information to give readers the experience, so that they come to the idea themselves. Accuracy is essential for illusion. DO I have to research every single statement? That is impractical. What is called for is respecting what you know and what you don’t, that you must research thoroughly. If you need to be specific about something outside your own experience, ,research it thoroughly – Google is a wonderful help. Readers want to imagine your world – do your job and they will do the rest.

I ask my readers to pray for us in Israel at this harrowing, terrifying time. You can contact me at I am still available for free help with your writing problems and hope that my next message to you will be a happier one.



  1. Dear Dvora,

    You are amazing, sending out a post while you are bearing up under assaults of every kind. Even though we are far away, we stand with you, are praying “without ceasing” and counting on G-d to work this out swiftly and for His purposes. I’m holding a prayer gathering at our house on Thursday afternoon and will lift your name up before G-d, and will ask for His care over your entire extended family, those at home and those in battle. I am structuring the prayer time segments around 2 Chronicles 20, Jehosaphat’s battle. When we get to the singing part, we too will sing.

    You are in my heart and I love you,


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