Make Your Writing Soar

Some successful writers have shared a secret. They don’t write all the time. One-third of the day they write; market research, idea development and queries to editors fill the remaining hours.

Here are a few tips that might prove helpful on your road to success.

Write regularly, but not always for publication. Writing improves with practice, so sometimes write just for yourself – a journal, a scene to use one day; maybe a poem.

Your writing stays fresh if you write something new. Don’t just write articles for newspapers and magazines; take some time to try your hand at a novel. Or take a little risk and try a market you’ve never approached before. Every time you experiment with something new, you are taking a step forward.

Create a website or a blog. This is funny advice coming from me, as without the encouragement of my son and grandson, I’d probably still be using a typewriter. But once I stopped being terrified, I can appreciate all the amazing benefits. It even led me to submit a novella to a publisher of e-books, and shortly Prism in America will be publishing “Autumn Blessing” – my 13th book , as an e-book.

Pique your interest. , by making sure you lke what you are writing about. If you connect with something you care about in your story, your work will take on an urgency and passion that will make your readers care too.

Study markets. Read past issues of media you would like to write for. Note publishers, agents and editors involved with them. Study the writing style. Once you know the editor’s needs, you can become the freelancer that fills them.

If you can develop a specialty, you’ll be in demand. Whether you’re a mariner or musician, barrister or beautician , you can parlay your experience into a writing specialty.

Join a writers’ group, take a class or attend a conference. You will learn something new, and you’ll form relationships that could prove to be very rewarding.

Don’t let rejections depress you. They are part of the writing life. And remember, what may be unsuitable for one publication, may be just right for another.

Finally, dream big. Take a calculated risk. What is your dream assignment? Which agent do you want to represent your work? Set your sights high and do one thing today to move yourself closer to your goal. A positive attitude, savvy marketing and a blend of writing and business basics will take your talent to the next level.

Happy writing. I am always delighted to receive your comments.


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